"Who Else Wants These 23 Little Known Tips & Secrets About Songwriting ... ABSOLUTELY FREE?"

All you have to do is take the quick and easy 3 minute survey below!

Dear Songwriter,

If you'd like to discover the best-kept secrets of Songwriting, then this is going to be the most important message you ever read.

Here's why:

I've connected with top experts in the field (including some award winning songwriters), and I've arranged for them to reveal everything about Songwriting you ever wanted to know. And believe me, there ARE things you should know, ... tips and secrets that the vast majority of songwriters are completely unaware of!

Well our interviews are scheduled soon and I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. And that's where I need your help.

I want to hear what you really need to know right now about Songwriting! Exactly what challenges you're facing, what information would be most valuable to you, what's been hardest for you to overcome in your artistic life.

Here's the deal: if you give me a few moments of your time and input, I'll gratefully give you a FREE copy of the completed songwriting interviews as soon as they're done! ("The Definitive Guide to Songwriting" will include a full 3 hours of recorded audio interviews ... plus the special written report and a transcript of the interviews!).


I've arranged a deal with award-winning songwriter, Andrea Stolpe, to give you a FREE chapter from her new book, Popular Lyric Writing: Ten Steps to Effective Storytelling!

Yes, you read it right.

You'll get a FREE chapter from Andrea's brand new book... plus I'll give you a FREE copy to the The Definitive Guide to Songwriting, no strings attached. It's my way of saying, 'Thanks' for contributing (the report and audio will be delivered to you in an electronic format, so please make sure I have your correct email address).

I'll bet you've never seen this stuff anywhere before. And because you're helping me out by doing this, I'll hold nothing back.

All I need to know is: what do you want to know most about Songwriting? It could be anything at all... even if you think it's silly.

Just answer the survey questions below (many of them are simple and easy multiple choice) and type your most important questions in the little boxes below... ask me whatever question will help you the most and I'll make sure to include it in my course.

By the way, this free course is only for the first 100 people who respond... so please answer all the questions right now and then click on the "Here Are My Questions!" button. And as soon as the course is finished I will send your Free Copy!

Thanks so very much for your input, I really appreciate it!


Graham English

Ok, here's the quick and easy survey:

What's your single most important question about Songwriting?

How difficult has it been for you to find the answer to this while searching on the internet?

Very Difficult
Somewhat Difficult
Not At All Difficult

Why were you searching for Songwriting information today? What prompted you to sit down at the computer and start your search?

(Please be as detailed as possible)

If I really want to DELIGHT you and knock your socks off by including something you not only didn't know before, but something you don't think most people would expect with this kind of a guide to Songwriting, ... how should I do it?

What instrument(s) do you play?

Which of the following categories best defines your skill level?


Which of the following categories best defines your age?

Under 18
18 to 24
25 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 to 79

What is your gender?


Kindly leave your email so I can deliver the product to you when its done!

Last, ... we MAY wish to follow up with willing people on the telephone for a PAID 30 minute interview about this topic. Would you be willing to be interviewed about Songwriting for US $20 over the telephone? (If so, please also leave your number below. It doesn't matter where you live).

Your privacy always comes first and your email address and phone number are never shared with anyone ever.


Copyright © 2007 Graham English. All rights reserved.